Reliable Quality and Precision



At our two locations in France and Germany, we advise and guide our customers from the idea, through product development to technical production. We develop and supply charges for small to medium-sized supply requirements as well as for unusual uses– from the smallest sample quantities to capacities of several tons. The motor driving our performance is our passion for material and function– and for results that are made with the highest precisions. The results are high-grade products with an optimum of process security that meet all the criteria for tested quality management. Every step of development and manufacturing is subject to constant internal quality control. We thus provide for a constant improvement of our work processes and production quality. Documented production processes and formulas as well as secure storage of reserve samples assure that we can still supply our customers with more than 50,000 dye formulas even years after they were made, and that with absolute fidelity to the original, and always just in time.


Treffert DIN EN ISO 9001 Certification

DIN EN ISO 9001 Certification
Treffert GmbH & Co. KG in Germany

Treffert DIN EN ISO 14001 Certification

DIN EN ISO 14001 Certification
Treffert GmbH & Co. KG in Germany

Treffert DIN EN ISO 50001 Certification

DIN EN ISO 50001 Certification
Treffert GmbH & Co. KG in Germany

DIN EN ISO 9001 Certification
Treffert S.A.S. France

Treffert DIN EN ISO 14001 Certification

DIN EN ISO 14001 Certification
Treffert S.A.S. France

Contact Person

Our Application Engineers


Our application engineer for the zip code regions 0,1 und 2:

Marting Ebenhög
Phone: +49 6721 403 69
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code regions 3,4 und 5:

Thomas Justen
Phone: +49 6721 403 77
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code region 6:

Philip Wagner
Phone: +49 6721 403 25
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code regions 7 und 8:

Melih Cengiz
Phone: +49 6721 403 64
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code region 9:

Sascha Klamp
‣ Contact

Key Account Medical Technology

Eric Strauß
Phone: +49 6721 403 78
‣ Contact


for the region of Eastern and Northern France:

Guillaume Fenyes
phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 85
‣ Contact

for the region of South France:

Richard Renaudin
phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 82
‣ Contact

other regions and export:

Marc Marchand
Ingénieur A. et M.
phone.: +33 (0) 3 87 31 84 87
‣ Contact

for the regions of Western France and Île-de-France:

Murielle Berthier-Heinle
phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 86
‣ Contact

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