Compound and PVC Compound


Treffert specialises in compounding technical plastics. Developed exactly according to the color specifications provided and the desired functions, compounds and pvc compounds can immediately be subjected to further machine-based processing. Just set up an appointment with our application engineers in order to discuss the requirements for your compound with you on-site.

Process for producing a compound

Our compounds are developed exactly according to the color and functions specified by the customer and can therefore be immediately further processed by machine. A compound is a granulated plastic that has finished undergoing coloration or the process of introducing additives.

The mixing ratio between the raw polymer and colorants and/or additives always remains the same, allowing for clean and problem-free processing. The compound is usually manufactured based on the customer’s raw polymer.

process of manufacturing a compound at Treffert - a pre-dyed plastic mass in granular form with additives if requested
Contact Person

Our Application Engineers


Our application engineer for the zip code regions 0,1 und 2:

Marting Ebenhög
Phone: +49 6721 403 69
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code regions 3,4 und 5:

Thomas Justen
Phone: +49 6721 403 77
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code region 6:

Philip Wagner
Phone: +49 6721 403 25
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code regions 7 und 8:

Melih Cengiz
Phone: +49 6721 403 64
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code region 9:

Sascha Klamp
‣ Contact

Key Account Medical Technology

Eric Strauß
Phone: +49 6721 403 78
‣ Contact


for the region of Eastern and Northern France:

Guillaume Fenyes
phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 85
‣ Contact

for the region of South France:

Richard Renaudin
phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 82
‣ Contact

other regions and export:

Marc Marchand
Ingénieur A. et M.
phone.: +33 (0) 3 87 31 84 87
‣ Contact

for the regions of Western France and Île-de-France:

Murielle Berthier-Heinle
phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 86
‣ Contact

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