Plastics as Light Blockers and Diffusors


Light blocker and diffusor functions have a wide range of areas of application in technical plastics. Along with the automotive industry, such solutions for modification of light radiation are used most of all in medical technology and pharmacy. The important thing here is always the highest precision in conditioning plastics. In medical technology and pharmacy, especially, light blockers help to assure that solutions and medications are protected from the effects of light and that their functions and effects are preserved. For the automotive industry, we develop day and night solutions with the help of diffusors that allow a light source not merely to radiate as beams but scatter the light over the entire surface. Implementing such complex requirements is the specialisation of the Treffert corporate group, which develops solutions for each use case in its own laboratory.

We have compiled additional information about light blockers and diffusors in two brochures for you. You can download the brochures here:

Sample products for plastics with light blocker and diffusor function

Contact Person

Our Application Engineers


Our application engineer for the zip code regions 0,1 und 2:

Marting Ebenhög
Phone: +49 6721 403 69
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Our application engineer for the zip code regions 3,4 und 5:

Thomas Justen
Phone: +49 6721 403 77
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Our application engineer for the zip code region 6:

Philip Wagner
Phone: +49 6721 403 25
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code regions 7 und 8:

Melih Cengiz
Phone: +49 6721 403 64
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Our application engineer for the zip code region 9:

Sascha Klamp
‣ Contact

Key Account Medical Technology

Eric Strauß
Phone: +49 6721 403 78
‣ Contact


for the region of Eastern and Northern France:

Guillaume Fenyes
phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 85
‣ Contact

for the region of South France:

Richard Renaudin
phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 82
‣ Contact

other regions and export:

Marc Marchand
Ingénieur A. et M.
phone.: +33 (0) 3 87 31 84 87
‣ Contact

for the regions of Western France and Île-de-France:

Murielle Berthier-Heinle
phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 86
‣ Contact

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