Our Application Engineers will advise

you at your Premises



As an owner-operated medium-sized company we deal with our customers at eye level: Dialogue, openness and transparency are lived out every day in our company. We are not thinking only about the individual orders and projects, but bring new perspectives to bear with a strategic viewpoint. Our customers recognise and value this attitude, place trust in our partnership and give us much in return.

Our orders place high demands in performance in development and consultation, the most complex specification sheets belong to our everyday experience. Especially important to us is the free consultation by our application engineers at your business premises. This is how we make sure that you can optimally use and process our product. Additionally, you can profit from our know-how, derived from 85 years of research and development. We will guide you and advise you from product development to production.

You can use our online query form to send us a brief inquiry. If you have concrete inquiries about products, we ask that you send us a lab order directly online. We have also compiled some brochures for you dealing with specific topics that come up in our consulting. You can find them in the Download area.




Our Application Engineer for Denmark and Sweden


Our Application Engineer for Denmark and Sweden:
 Telefon: + 49 (0) 67 21 403-26

Martin Ebenhög

Our Application Engineer for the regions of Nordrhein-Westfalen, Niedersachsen, Bremen:

Martin Ebenhög
Dipl.-Ing. Chemieingenieurwesen
Telefon: + 49 (0) 67 21 403-69
Telefax: + 49 (0) 67 21 403-27
E-Mail: m.ebenhoeg@treffert.eu

Murielle Berthier-Heinle

Our Application Engineer for the regions of Western France and Île-de-France:

Murielle Berthier-Heinle
Application Engineer
Telefon: + 33 (0) 3 87 3 1 84 86
E-Mail: m.berthier-heinle@treffert.fr


Our application engineer for the region of Eastern and Northern France :
Guillaume Fenyes
Application Engineer
Z. I. Rue de la Jontière
F-57255 Ste-Marie-aux-Chênes
Phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 92 93
E-Mail: g.fenyes@treffert.fr


Our application engineer for the regions of South-Eastern France :

Richard Renaudin
Application Engineer
Z. I. Rue de la Jontière
F-57255 Ste-Marie-aux-Chênes
Phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 82
E-Mail: r.renaudin@treffert.fr


Other Regions and Export:

Marc Marchand
Z. I. Rue de la Jontière
F-57255 Ste-Marie-aux-Chênes
Phone: +33 (0) 3 87 31 84 87
E-Mail: m.marchand@treffert.fr




Our Application Engineer for the regions of Bavaria, Hesse, Austria und Eastern Europe:

Tino Hermannstädter
In der Weide 17
55411 Bingen
phone: + 49 (0) 67 21 403-77
fax: + 49 (0) 67 21 403-27
e-mail: t.hermannstaedter@treffert.eu


Our Application Engineer for the regions of Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Baden-Württemberg and Switzerland:

Eric Strauß
Dipl.Wirt.Ing. (FH)
In der Weide 17
55411 Bingen
Telefon: + 49 (0) 67 21 403-78
Telefax: + 49 (0) 67 21 403-27
E-Mail: e.strauss@treffert.eu


Our Application Engineer for the regions of Eastern-Germany, Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg:

André Vielhauer
Bachelor of Engineering
In der Weide 17
55411 Bingen
Telefon: + 49 (0) 67 21 403-77
Telefax: + 49 (0) 67 21 403-27
E-Mail: a.vielhauer@treffert.eu


Contact Person

Our Application Engineers


Our application engineer for the zip code regions 0,1 und 2:

Marting Ebenhög
Phone: +49 6721 403 69
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code regions 3,4 und 5:

Thomas Justen
Phone: +49 6721 403 77
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code region 6:

Philip Wagner
Phone: +49 6721 403 25
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code regions 7 und 8:

Melih Cengiz
Phone: +49 6721 403 64
‣ Contact

Our application engineer for the zip code region 9:

Sascha Klamp
‣ Contact

Key Account Medical Technology

Eric Strauß
Phone: +49 6721 403 78
‣ Contact


for the region of Eastern and Northern France:

Guillaume Fenyes
phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 85
‣ Contact

for the region of South France:

Richard Renaudin
phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 82
‣ Contact

other regions and export:

Marc Marchand
Ingénieur A. et M.
phone.: +33 (0) 3 87 31 84 87
‣ Contact

for the regions of Western France and Île-de-France:

Murielle Berthier-Heinle
phone: + 33 (0) 3 87 31 84 86
‣ Contact

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